Project: Create a new E-magazine
Roles: UX/UI Designer (Group)
Timeline: 1 Week Sprint
Client: Afflatus

Goal: Create a new E-magazine based on a preliminary user persona (group project).

Overview: We picked James as a user and after the analysis, we decided to focus on business and tech industry and improve the problems that later we would find out.

Every UX designer should conduct user and market research so  they can understand the motivations and context in which a user interacts with a product. By doing this, we're able to define real-world scenarios that we'll allow us to identify our true user tribe.

As you can see, most of the competitors have crowded visual layout and most of them are interactive E-magazine.  blue ocean that is about creating and capturing uncontested market space of the industry where clean visual layout and interactive are the key factors

Quantitative Data

  • 82% of the users only have around 20 minutes daily to read
  • 90% they think every layout of a magazine looks crowded
  • 95% hate Ads

Qualitative Data

  • "Content shouldn't overwhelmed you, but to help you find what you need as quick as possible"- David
  • “ I love bookmarks, but I hate them!” Alberto
  • “I definitely follow entrepreneur for little things that are going to help me to set myself up for the future." -Stean


Affinity Map

This is our ideation process, we found very good ideas and this tool was incredibly helpful to create solutions for those problems that users want to overcome. So mainly, we looked for ideas that could solve multiple pains at the same time. Those ideas would be our winners.


After arranging  the information, we defined those specific ideas inside of small groups as a part of the solution for the main pain points. Here is our affinity map . It helps to visualize the winning ideas and identify the most relevant information. Not every idea is a good one and this tool helps us to find which is the right path to follow according to the data and user's mental models.


Moscow method was the next stage, as you can see we picked those winning ideas and we came out with two main features that solved our user's pains. The first one, was the possibility to make the size of the tex customizable based on the user’s time. If users don’t have the time they would be able to read a shorter text.

The second one, would be an option to allow users to record notes for a specific paragraph and then they could share it. At the end, we decided to design a clean and sophisticated layout to solve the crowded aspect that every competitor has.

A clean and responsive website for users with limited time that want to learn and be informed with interactive tools and quality articles or referred by industry leaders.



With clear ideas, we began the prototype phase by sketching the low-fidelity prototype. At this stage, the main goal was catching those interaction issues before going live with colors and symbols. The insights from this step were: confusion with icons, absence of a call to action and disturbing background images.


In the mid-fidelity, we decided to fixed the issues from the low-fi. So we added a clear call to action right in front of every article and we removed the save and share icons. However, people were still confused about the layout and how to get through the website. Also, users complained about the record button. They said they didn't understand how to use it. Also the drop menu seems small for them.


For this final stage, I based this prototype in the visual competitors analysis and in the brand concept attributes which are: Luxury, intuitive, reliable .


Success & Failure Metrics

  • Increase visitors
  • Low bounce rate
  • Increase average time on the website.
  • Increase subscriptions
  • High bounce rate
  • Decrease subscriptions
  • Low time on task
  • Decrease DAU/MAU ratio